Landing Page Feature

Blvd Framework landing pages support hiding of header, footer or both from any standard WordPress page.

Adding Theme Support

In HJI Boulevard 4.0+ Themes, add the following to the function init() in the theme's lib/ThemeSetup.php file in order to activate support:


Template Support

You'll need to add theme support in the template files for the landing page options to make things work. On Blvd themes, we use Twig templates which makes this trivial to setup.

Header example:

{% if not post._hji_header_option_hide %}

    {% include ... header_file ... %}

{% endif %}

Footer example:

{% if not post._hji_footer_option_hide %}

    {% include ... footer_file ... %}

{% endif %}
Important - MLS compliance and website copyright info needs to be output to ensure compliance with MLS and State/local laws. The code block below will output these values within the theme:
 <div class="copyright-inner container">

     {{ footer.copyright }}
     {% do action('ridx/pageCompliance') %}


Hook / Filter

There is a filter that will allow you to add feature support to additional post types. The filter ID is landing_page_post_types and can be called by a child theme or plugin. Example usage:

function addLandingPagePostTypes($postTypes)
    $postTypes[] = 'listing';
    return $postTypes;
add_filter('landing_page_post_types', 'addLandingPagePostTypes', 1, 10);

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