How do I add Lifestyle Finder to a page or Geofarms?

You can  add Lifestyle Finder to a page or add it to a tab in Geofarms. Both methods require using the shortcode

Adding Lifestyle Finder to a Page

Simply write out the shortcode in the page editor. Don't forget to click on "Publish" when you are done! 


Base shortcode: [lifestyle_finder]


[lifestyle_finder bookmark="/areas/overview/" width="100%" height="1150px"]



This parameter will allow you choose the page displayed. For example, if you wanted to display the “Schools” tab on load, use the parameter “/schools/”.

Valid Parameters:
/schools/ for Schools tab, /areas/overview/ for Areas tab, /businesses/ for Businesses tab, /values/ for values tabs. More advanced parameters can be used to zone in on specific areas that you want to display. For Home Values in Brooklyn, NY for example, the bookmark parameter will be /values/trends?where=Brooklyn%2C%20NY. To find the specific slug, begin a search using the Lifestyle Finder and copy the slug of the results from your browser’s address bar.


This parameter will allow you change the width of the iframe. Recommended width is 100%.

Valid Parameters:
An integer percentage, eg. 100%. Or a specific pixel width, eg. 555px.


This parameter will allow you change the height of the iframe. Recommended height is 1150px.

Valid Parameters:
An integer percentage, eg. 100%. Or a specific pixel width, eg. 555px.

Adding Lifestyle Finder to Geofarms

Add the Lifestyle Finder shortcode to a tab of your Geofarm. Make sure to give this tab a title or it will not show up. 

Above: An example of the Lifestyle Finder shortcode in a tab. 

Above: Example - Lifestyle Finder placed in the "Area Info" tab of Geofarms

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